About Amongst Us:

if you ever forget to save the game and you die you loose all of the time you spent doing whatever you did and all of the progress you made is just gone just becasue you for got to save . you could be playing for hours and if you ever die and you hadnt saved the game at all in those hours then literally everything you did is just gone like you never even did anything. its just so stupid that there is no like auto save or something that reminds you if you havent saved the game in a while. As much as it breaks my heart to give a bad review, please don’t buy this game. It had such amazing potential, but shortly after promising to work on more updates for the game, the developer abandoned it. The game is absolutely beautiful and relaxing, but the bear AI is insane and they practically teleport to instantly murder you. Fishing is annoying. The worst part is that this game was an early access exclusive on the Epic Games Store but then they decided to upload it to Steam without actually finishing the game. It’s a glorified scam. The graphics and the color palette are honestly beautiful, and the game play mechanics work fine. The issue is that this is simply not a complete game. There’s no end-goal to pursue, no objective to accomplish, no resolution to the story (if you can call it a story). The developers flat-out admitted they were giving up on any further updates to work on other projects, without finishing the game. This is the very definition of abandonware. Imagine a visually stunning game where there’s just no point to being there, and you’ll have Among Trees.

How to run Amongst Us roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat